To the jazzy music of "The Sweet and Lowdown," playboy Jimmy Winter (Clyde Alves) spends cavorts with showgirls and chums at his favorite Speakeasy. Credit Christopher Clark.
Scheming to hide 400 cases of hootch are bootleggers Billie Bendix (Anne Horak), Cookie McGee (James Beaman) and Duke Mahoney (Timothy Hughes). Photo credit Christopher Clark.
Romance blossoms when bootlegger Billie Bendix (Anne Horak) and playboy Jimmy Winter (Clyde Alves) dance in Nice Work If You Can Get It. Photo credit Christopher Clark.
Recent recipients of IRNE Awards for their work at Ogunquit and Gateway Playhouses, James Beaman (Cookie McGee) and Peggy Hickey (choreographer) repeat their assignments in the Music Theatre Wichita production of "Nice Work If You Can Get It." Photo credit Christopher Clark.
In a clash of musical tastes, mock-butler Cookie McGee (James Beaman) relishes "The Sweet and Lowdown," while Prohibitionist Duchess Estonia Dulworth (Karen L. Robu) prefers classier music "By Strauss." Photo credit Christopher Clark.
All the ladies love playboy Jimmy Winter (Clyde Alves). Photo credit Christopher Clark.
A "Delicious" bathing fantasy exhilarates modern dancer Eileen Evergreen (Cassie Austin). Photo credit Christopher Clark.
Showgirl Jeannie Muldoon (Jessie Peltier) charms a befuddled Duke Mahoney (Timothy Hughes) in Nice Work If You Can Get It. Photo credit Christopher Clark.
Millicent Winter (Mary Lou Phipps-Winfrey) holds court with son Jimmy Winter (Clyde Alves), Senator Max Evergreen (Timothy W. Robu) and dancer Eileen Evergreen (Cassie Austin). Photo credit Christopher Clark.
Jimmy Winter (Clyde Alves) serenades Billie Bendix (Anne Horak) with "Do, Do, Do," with the help of a collegiate trio (Matthew Davies, Kyle McClellan, Willie Hill). Photo credit Christopher Clark.