"HAIR" the acclaimed, classic, rock musical is the next production at the Barn Players, 6219 Martway in Mission, opening Friday evening September 19th and playing through Sunday matinee October 5th -- Friday and Saturday performances at 7:30 with Sunday matinees at 2:00.
This exuberant musical is the story of youth in the 60's and 70's searching for love, truth and peace and tells the story of the "Tribe" a group of hippies living in New York City as they struggle to balance their lives with rebellion against war, their conservative parents and society.
"HAIR" features a great musical score including: Aquarius, Hair, Let the Sun Shine In, Good Morning Starshine, and others. The Barn Players production of "HAIR" is directed by Phil Kinen with musical direction by Chris Holbrook.
Tickets are $18.00, with discounts for seniors and students - go to the theatre website www.thebarnplayers.org or purchase at the theatre box office prior to each production; groups over 10 call 913-432-9100.