A fiercely original new play fusing politically charged drama with biting comedy, Yellowfin delves into the backroom dealings of a future in which all of the worlds fish have inexplicably vanished. The worldwide premiere at Southwark Playhouse marks a new collaboration between two rising stars, writer Marek Horn (Wild Swimming) and director Ed Madden (A Table Tennis Play; Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons).In a committee room on Capitol Hill, three senators question a man on suspicion of illegally trading rare marine commodities. He swears he abandoned the black market years ago, but his interrogators arent so sure. Yellowfin is a dazzling study of power and how far people will go to defend it. Set in a world which is adapting to a new normal of its own, this production offers a timely insight into our sense of citizenship and responsibility to the planet. Horns play combines the epic scope of an ecological parable with the detail of four finely-drawn character studies to take a hard but playful look at the world around us and the people who govern it. Yellowfin explores the limits of science and the power of myths, and asks: why must we always search for answers?