An enchanting story of love and friendship for children and grown-ups alike, retold on stage by a pilot stranded in the desert.
Come and find out how the Little Prince leaves behind his own tiny asteroid to journey through the universe, coming face to face with the baffling world of grown-ups!
Have you ever heard of a king who reigns over nothing? Or a businessman obsessively counting stars? Once on planet Earth, the Little Prince is welcomed by a mysterious snake and a truly wise and friendly fox before encountering the lone pilot. Together they discover the power and beauty of friendship and the complexity of love.
The Little Prince is brought to life using Protein’s critically-acclaimed mix of dance, humour and spoken word. With an original score by Frank Moon and design by Yann Seabra, Protein returns to Woolwich Works with a specially adapted, intimate version for smaller venues, inviting us to look at the world through one’s heart and to reconnect with our inner child.