Set to delight audiences this festive season, The Cockpit announces its 2023 Christmas production. Co-directed by DaveWybrow and Kathryn Gardner, and written by Gardner, A Church Street Fairytale is a magical adventure packed with songs, silly gags, audience participation and lots of everyone’s favourite characters.
There's trouble on Church Street.
The Big Bad Wolf is trying to blow down the neighbourhood to build luxury flats, Robin Hood has somehow misplaced his arrows, and someone keeps breaking into houses and eating all the porridge!
What we need is a hero.
Each Christmas, The Cockpit present brand-new adventures for families to enjoy, bringing audiences original stories built around the magical characters and tales we all know and love.
Co-director and writer Kathryn Gardner comments, I strive to create magical adventures that are packed with all the fun, fantasy, characters and narratives you would expect from a classic Christmas show – but with relatable subjects, real life dilemmas and familiar environments that children from all parts of our community will recognise.
This is contemporary storytelling for a new London that captures the nostalgia and warm glow of the festive season and brings it up to date. Questioning archetypes, confronting modern issues... All with an ‘it’s behind you’, a pie in the face, and a good villain to boo at!
Co-director DaveWybrow says, Life's been tough, but vibrancy is back: The Cockpit's here for kids to re-engage with live theatre – some of whom have never been. Panto conventions are the best way to get that magic happening – no matter what your first language – and A Church Street Fairytale will use them without shame.
The show is going to be fun: it's going to be inclusive and affordable, it’s going to deliver Christmas messages ofwonder, generosity, courage and goodness and it’s going to be as loud, bright, different, intelligent and beautiful as the kids we are here to serve.
You can now book your tickets to this festive family adventure on The Cockpit’s website – book before 30th August 2023, and get 20% off all tickets. There are also local discounts for residents and schools.