Meet Jack, the poor and disheartened character of our Christmas show, who - along with Jacks exasperated mother and bothersome sibling - lives in a tiny house, in a run-down seaside town. Bullied and outcast Jack takes refuge in arcade games, playing them every day on the paint-stripped pier.
One day, instead of just playing the video game, Jack becomes a part of it, suddenly lost within a magical world where some giant challenges must be faced. With the help of some unusual characters, met along the way, Jack must overcome these trials to complete the levels of The Beanstalk.
With a cast of over 200 people on stage for each performance filled with original music, stunning sets, and incredible design, we guarantee an unforgettable festive theatre experience for young and old alike!
Ticket Information
Previews (23 - 26 Nov matinee): Stalls £13 (£10 concs) | Gallery £12 (£10 concs)
Standard (26 Nov evening - 15 Dec, 2 - 5 Jan): Stalls £20 (£16 concs) | Gallery £16
Peak (17 – 30 Dec, 6 - 7 Jan): Stalls £22.50 (£18.50 concs) | Gallery £18.50
Accessible Performances
Captioned Performances: Thu 8 Dec 12pm, Fri 9 Dec 7pm, Sat 10 Dec 7pm, Sun 11 Dec 1.30pm
Audio Described Performances: Sat 17 Dec 3pm, Sun 18 Dec 5.30pm
Sign Language is integrated into all performances.