3 OffWestEnd Nominations - Male Performance - Female Performance - Costume Design
Its the beginning of the 60s in Argentina, a time of political violence and popular revolt, and it is in this seething atmosphere that journalists Rodolfo Walsh and Toms Eloy Martnez have an idea for an exclusive article to sell to Paris Match Magazine. Together, they embark on an investigation to find out where the abducted corpse of Eva Pernon has been hidden by the dictatorship that deposed her husband. As they follow their dark path, they meet with that of the reticent, obsessive Colonel Moori Koenigand his wife, who keeps a few secrets of her own. Irish Coffee tells the story of a doomed investigation, woven into fiction from very real events first by Walsh in a short story, then by Martnez in a novel, and now by Eva Halac in this very play. Newly translated into English, it poses stinging questions for our political present about the urge for action beyond the written word and whether impartiality is ever possible.
Ages: 18 years old upwards
Colonel Moori Koenig played by Gary Heron