Holy Name, a thought-provoking play by Michael Eichler, explores the cost of free will and the quest for peace in a turbulent home. Adapted for a UK audience by Peter Hale and masterfully directed and designed by Paula Chitty, it offers raw portrayals of mental illness and domestic abuse. Don't miss its UK debut.
Midlife Crisis (1/12/25-1/12/25)
The Black Square (1/21/25-2/2/25)
The Courtyard Theatre is at Bowling Green Walk, 40 Pitfield St, London N1 6EU, London.
The Woods (12/17/24-12/21/24)
Dark Tales For Winter (12/13/24-12/14/24)
Coleridge - Taylor of Freetown (12/7/24-11/7/24)
Seven Deadly Sins (12/6/24-11/6/24)
Here: The Seagull (11/30/24-12/1/24)