HEART is a one man show written and performed by myself, Reece Lewis. This is a passion project that is essentially a love letter to all gay men . A story where gay men can see a little piece of themselves within the words and stories and where straight viewers can understand the intimacies of being gay in 2024.
The story follows a 24 year old gay man as he struggles to navigate the world of parties, hookups and Grindr. HEART displays all of the best and worst parts about being gay. He wants to be loved deeply and passionately, loves his friends, family and the thought of finding that special someone. But it’s not that simple is it? Not when the world is constantly throwing shit at you.
We first meet Tyler confident and ready to take on the world. His insecurities are washed away and a sea of new opportunities have been set before him. He is what we all dream of being when we cry ourselves to bed at night, terrified to tell the world who we really are. But that doesn't mean everything is perfect. Tyler's final hurdle to fully realising his self acceptance is his dad (who unfortunately is a worth adversary.) Tyler's Dad is your typical old school homophobe. He spends most of his time down the pub, watching the footie and shouting vulgar things at whoever he can get to listen. Tyler's final struggle begins with the realisation that maybe his dad will simply never change. And that's fine. You can't change someone's beliefs. But you sure as hell don't have to take them lying down!
Tyler is a lover and a dreamer, romantic and empathic to the world around him. We hope you will join as Tyler's journey unfolds and he discovers the truths in himself and those around him.
After a successful 2 week run at Barons Court Theatre in London, HEART is being performed at the Arcobaleno, St George's Road, Kemptown as part of the Brighton Fringe Festival on Friday 24, Sunday 26 and Friday 31 May at 7.30pm and on Tuesday 28 May at 9pm. The performance will last approximately 1 hour.