Funny Guy is a dark comedy with an illuminating twist that explores the fragile underpinnings of love, friendship, and ambition in the lives of two thirty-something couples attempting to survive challenging times. The show brings together an accomplished international cast, puppetry, and neon technology to shine light into dark corners. Set in contemporary New York and written by multi-media artist Patrick Nash, Funny Guy introduces a unique element to the stage - a larger-than-life real neon marionette. Nash, whose neon work has wowed art shows in London and New York, is excited to bring this innovative show to the Capital where audiences are guaranteed an immersive experience that sits at the intersection of drama and innovation, challenges perceptions and ignites introspection.
DAN - Jud Meyers
EMMA - Karen Genaro Dosanjh
BILL - Jesse R. Tendler
MARGIE - Clara Francesca
THE NEON -Tommy Vance
Written by Patrick Nash and directed by Jesse R. Tendler Funny Guy later transfers to Edinburgh for a full run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.