This follows a 6% increase that was agreed upon last year for the period from April 2023.
Playwrights working under the WGGB Writers' Union's TNC Agreement will see a 4% uplift on minimum fees, thanks to WGGB’s negotiators.
The new rates are backdated to 1 April 2024 and will see the total script fee rise to £14,615 (except for the Royal Court Upstairs, which rises to £11,439).
Learn more here.
This follows a 6% increase that was agreed upon last year for the period from April 2023.
WGGB Deputy General Secretary Lesley Gannon said: “These are difficult times for playwrights, many of whom, we know, are questioning how long they can afford to remain in the industry. We know the theatre sector has been facing unprecedented challenges, but it is vital that the rights and incomes of playwrights – who are so central to its success – are protected. We are therefore delighted to announce this rise on minimum fees for playwrights working under the TNC Agreement.”