Following a highly successful run at Edinburgh Fringe 2017, Joe Sellman-Leava's highly- acclaimed one man show Monster embarks on an exciting UK tour in 2018. Monster is a dark but humorous exploration of gender and masculinity - with intimate storytelling at its heart, Monster looks at a young man's struggle to make sense of love and anger.
With its examination of male attitudes towards women, and male role models celebrated in society, the play has gained new relevance since its Edinburgh debut in the wake of recent sexual assault allegations against a string of celebrities. Monster importantly sheds light on our perceptions of gender, violence and aggression.
Experimenting with form, Joe Sellman-Leava's performance includes a play within a play, and a narrative split across multiple characters and timelines converging at the play's climax. Playing with the very premise of presentation and performance, the play features the words and personas of known figures including Mike Tyson and Patrick Stewart.
Worklight make new theatre which is deeply personal, politically charged and highly visual. Founded in Exeter in 2011, their debut show How to Start a Riot received critical acclaim and two awards during its Edinburgh Festival Fringe premiere and subsequent national tour. Their second show I Think I'm a Feminist also toured nationally. Worklight's third show - Labels - is written and performed by Worklight's co-artistic director Joe Sellman-Leava, and has won five international awards since 2015. In August 2017, Worklight premiered two new shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe: Fix, an ensemble play with music, exploring behavioural addiction, and Monster, a one-man play about masculinity and violence.