Enter the decadent world of the Bombay Roxy, where the jazz is 'hot' and the atmosphere is heady...
Night at the Bombay Roxy is a rich, immersive Indian noir, created by Swamp Studios, an innovative theatre company, led by Ollie Jones and Clem Garritty (from the award-winning theatre collective Kill the Beast). Directed by Eduard Lewis, Associate Director of Dr. Seuss's The Lorax (The Old Vic, 2015), this brand new, site specific production will play out in the beautiful surroundings of the as-yet-unopened Dishoom restaurant in the iconic Barkers Building in Kensington, London, from 27 November until 11 December.
Check out the trailer below!
A talented ensemble of actors and musicians will transport the audience to the opening night of the Bombay Roxy, a café and jazz club housed within a former Art Deco cinema set in Bombay, 1949.
The performance will be matched with a lavish dining experience. Audience members will be greeted with welcome cocktails, and then will feast on a menu of classic Bombay dishes as the performance unfolds.