Everybody's Talking About Jamie has given fans a first look at Noah Thomas, the West End's next Jamie!
The show's official Twitter account posted a video featuring photos of Thomas donning Jamie's iconic looks.
Check out the video!
Introducing Noah Thomas! Take an exclusive look at our next Jamie New coming to London from 6 January 2020, it's going to be FABULOUS! #JamieLondon pic.twitter.com/CbuxFMDxDD
- JamieMusical (@JamieMusical) December 19, 2019
Noah Thomas is to play the title role of Jamie New in Everybody's Talking About Jamie from Monday 6 January 2020 at the Apollo Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue.
Noah Thomas takes over from Layton Williams who, with Shane Richie, will be leading the first UK tour of Everybody's Talking About Jamie opening in Sheffield in February 2020. Everybody's Talking About Jamie recently celebrated its second birthday in the West End and is currently booking until 29 August 2020.
Also joining the cast on 6 January 2020 are Hiba Elchikhe, making her West End debut playing the role of Pritti Pasha, David O'Reilly as Laika Virgin, Leon Craig as Sandra Bollock and Jordan Ricketts, making his West End debut playing Dean. New cast members also include Zion Battles (Levi), Keenan Knight (Sayid), Ebony Clarke (Swing/Dance Captain), Joe Wolstenholme (Swing) and Brian James Leys (Understudy).
Jamie New is sixteen and lives on a council estate in Sheffield. Jamie doesn't quite fit in. Jamie is terrified about the future. Jamie is going to be a sensation.
Supported by his brilliant loving mum and surrounded by his friends, Jamie overcomes prejudice, beats the bullies and steps out of the darkness, into the spotlight. With catchy songs by lead singer- songwriter of The Feeling, Dan Gillespie Sells, and book and lyrics by writer Tom MacRae, this funny, fabulous, feel-good, musical sensation has been wowing audiences and critics alike. Sixteen: the edge of possibility. Time to make your dreams come true.
For more information, visit https://www.everybodystalkingaboutjamie.co.uk/.