The critically acclaimed production of The Mysteries - Yiimimangaliso will complete its limited run at the Garrick Theatre on 3 October, as previously announced.
Adapted and directed by British Director Mark Dornford-May and performed by the Cape Town based Isango Portobello Theatre Company, The Mysteries - Yiimimangaliso is produced and presented by Eric Abraham. Musical direction is by Mandisi Dyantyis and Pauline Malefane, choreography is by Lungelo Ngamlana, lighting is by Mannie Manim, costumes are by Leigh Bishop and Fagrie Nasiep and puppetry is by Aja Marneweck.
The Mysteries - Yiimimangaliso is an African version of the English medieval Chester Mystery plays. These timeless biblical stories - from the creation to the resurrection - are brought to life through exhilarating songs, dance and intense drama. The ensemble of 33 performers, playing characters from Adam and Eve to Cain and Abel, is led by South Africa's award-winning performer Pauline Malefane playing God and Jesus. The score comprises vocal traditions found in South Africa and the all black cast perform in English, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Tswana and Zulu.
Dates: Ends 3 October 2009
Performances: Monday -Saturday 7.30pm, Thursday and Saturday at 2.30pm
Ticket prices: £20 - £45 plus concessions
Garrick Theatre, Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0HH
Box Office: 0844 412 4662