Polly Stenham's THAT FACE will complete its run in the West End on at the Duke of York's Theatre on 5 July as previously announced. Directed by Jeremy Herrin, THAT FACE is designed by Mike Britton, with lighting by Natasha Chivers and sound by Emma Laxton and is produced in the West End by Sonia Friedman Productions, Tulchin/Bartner, Eric Abraham and Jamie Hendry.
The cast is led by Lindsay Duncan and Matt Smith who play mother (Martha) and son (Henry), both of whom have been acclaimed by critics and audiences a like. They are joined by Hannah Murray (Mia), Catherine Steadman (Izzy) and Julian Wadham (Hugh).As a joint pricing initiative with the Royal Court, 100 best seats are available for every performance at £25 bookable in advance. Polly Stenham's multi award-winning play THAT FACE, which was produced at the Royal Court Theatre to great critical acclaim in 2007, transferred to the Duke of York's Theatre on 1 May 2008. Stenham received a substantial grant from the UK Film Council and is currently developing That Face for the big screen. THAT FACE is a compelling portrayal of an affluent family in freefall. Mia is at boarding school. She has access to drugs. They are Martha's. Henry has dropped out of school. He has access to alcohol. From Martha. Martha controls their lives. Martha is their mother. That Face is a powerful and darkly comic exploration of children who become parents to their parents.Photo by John Haynes.