The evening of Wednesday 29th June will see the 9000th performance of the hit thriller The Woman In Black, now in its 23rd year in the West End.
The Woman in Black, one of the most exciting, gripping and successful theatre events ever performed, is now in its 23rd year in the West End in a production revisited by its original director Robin Herford.The show's producer Peter Wilson, the cast, AnTony Eden and Patrick Drury, and other guests will celebrate at the Fortune Theatre on the night.Unanimously acclaimed by the critics, The Woman in Black combines the power and intensity of live theatre with the cinematic quality of film noir. Over seven million people have been transported into a terrifying world in an unremitting drama that has them literally jumping out of their seats.The Woman In Black was first performed at the Theatre-By-The-Sea in Scarborough in 1987. The original production received rave reviews, paving the way for future productions throughout the country. It reached the West End in 1989 where it has been a major success ever since. Its success has subsequently reached a global level, having spread to the US, South America and through to the Tokyo theatre scene, and beyond.Daily Mail
The Fortune Theatre
Russell Street
London WC2
Box Office 0844 871 7626