The show's principal cast including Luke Brady, Liam Tamne, Christine Allado, Alexia Khadime and more are set to return.
The Prince of Egypt, the new musical based on the hit animated film of the same name, is currently plotting its return to the West End.
According to Baz Bamigboye of The Daily Mail, the show is aiming to resume performances in a socially distanced production at the Dominion Theatre on July 1, 2021. Ticket sales begin this Friday.
The show's principal cast including Luke Brady (Moses), Liam Tamne (Ramses), Christine Allado (Tzipporah), Alexia Khadime (Miriam), Debbie Kurup (Queen Tuya) are set to return when the musical resumes performances.
Journey through the wonders of Ancient Egypt as two young men, raised together as brothers in a kingdom of privilege, find themselves suddenly divided by a secret past. One must rule as Pharaoh, the other must rise up and free his true people; both face a destiny that will change history forever.
THE PRINCE OF EGYPT has music and lyrics by GRAMMY® and Academy Award®-winner Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Godspell), a book by Philip LaZebnik (Mulan, Pocahontas) and features 10 brand new songs written by Stephen Schwartz, together with 5 of his acclaimed songs from the DreamWorks Animation film (Deliver Us, All I Ever Wanted, Through Heaven's Eyes, The Plagues and the Academy Award®-winning When You Believe, which was a global hit for Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey as well as a UK and Ireland chart-topping winner's single for The X-Factor).