The Office, the world's most successful comedy show of all time, meets opera. Watch the fantastic way Anne Chmelewsky has combined the hysterical satire with the classic music style to create an unmissable show.
Featured by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant in their sketch for Comic Relief this year and on BBC London News, the extended show will performed in association with Comedy Crunch at 8pm on Wednesday 19th August at the famous Proud Galleries in Camden.
With donations going to Comic Relief, don't miss the chance to discover this hilarious new take on The Office.
Comedy Crunch has swiftly become the not to be missed night on the comedy circuit. Run by the girls who do the wildly successful Portobello Panto, Comedy Crunch focuses on the more theatrical side of comedy covering sketch, character and musical comedy as well as some stand up. The only rule is that it fits with the girls' irreverent sense of humour. Comedy Crunch is delighted to be presenting the The Office The Opera, which fits so perfectly with this remit.