On Monday 16 December, SimG Records, the leading independent British label devoted to new musical theatre writers and artists, is to release the The Bakewell Bake Off. This brand new British musical was written and starred The Baking Committee (a collection of MA students from the prestigious Guildford School of Acting) and premiered at the Landor Theatre in October 2013.
Take seven eager contestants, three feuding judges and one bewildered hostess, add flour eggs and sugar and mix together in a small village. Add the pressure of a baking competition and you've got a recipe for a hilarious musical comedy!
This wonderfully original heartwarming show was initially intended as a in-house college writing project, that led to a try-out run at the Waterloo East Theatre, and finally a full production at the acclaimed Landor Theatre. Directed by Julian Woolford, with musical direction by Kevin Michael Cripps, the production received wonderful reviews.
Produced by Simon Greiff for SimG Records, The Bakewell Bake Off will be available from iTunes, and direct from www.SimGProductions.com
Catalogue No: SimGR-CD020