The Stage Directors UK (SDUK) have compiled a set of standard contract terms which they hope to receive a 50% increase to their fees and a 1% share of a production's royalties.
The Stage says, "The terms include a section on payments, which makes it clear that directors should be paid for any preparation time required for a production - on top of their basic fee - and that they should receive a minimum 1% of gross takings when a show tours or extends its run beyond initial agreed dates."
Haggard told The Stage:
"When we did our fees study last October, we found a director will spend as long in the preparation period for a play as they do in the rehearsal - and quite often longer. Many directors, including admired ones at top London venues, can earn less than the minimum wage. By creating... a clear idea of where things need to change, we believe that we will make it easier to argue fees up."
Read the full article here.