The show will feature "a huge carnival head of Boris that fills the stage" spewing "a snowstorm of paper lies all over the theatre."
Spitting Image is hitting the stage, with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson as its target, Variety reports.
This new stage production will come to the West End in 2022, with dates and venues to be announced at a later date. Spitting Image co-creator Roger Law said that the show is still being written at this time.
"Whilst Boris and his boys and girls level themselves ever upwards to the sunny uplands... we are preparing to level them down to size in a West End theatrical show," Law said.
Law also went on to reveal some details about the show, which will feature "a huge carnival head of Boris that fills the stage. The mouth will open on the puppet and "spew a snowstorm of paper lies all over the theatre."
Read more on Variety.
One of the most-watched shows of the 1980s, Spitting Image is a British television puppet show, which satirised politics, entertainment, sport and British popular culture of the era.
The series was cancelled in 1996 after viewing figures declined. In 2019, Law announced the show would be returning with a new series. The revived series debuted on 3 October 2020 on BritBox, and featured caricatures of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.