These tests will help members of the community who will be rehearsing shows when areas return to Tier 2, as well as those performing live-streamed events.
The UK government announced last week that they will begin rolling out mass testing for those who have to leave home to go to work amidst the national lockdown. SOLT and UKT are helping to facilitate these tests to theatre workers, and are currently assessing how many tests the sector will need and where they can best be used, Official London Theatre reports.
These tests will help members of the community who will be rehearsing shows when areas return to Tier 2, as well as those performing live-streamed events.
"Lateral flow tests have already been hugely successful in finding positive cases quickly - and every positive case found is helping to stop the spread - so I encourage employers and workers to take this offer up," Health Secretary Matt Hancock said. "We must all do all we can to stop the spread of COVID, right now."
Nimax Theatres announced last week that they will be opening up their six West End venues for use as testing hubs.
Read more on Official London Theatre.