"SCARAMOUCHE" tells the true story of a young man on the run from the law, who finds himself adopted by a struggling commedia dell'arte troupe and catapulted to stardom, having never appeared on stage in his life.
"SCARAMOUCHE" successfully fuses two art forms, the musical and commedia dell'arte and is played out by a brilliant cast of 9 actor/musicians. The show is bursting with songs, mime, colour and knock-about slapstick!
"SCARAMOUCHE" has something for everybody. Children and adults alike will be captivated by the mask work, colour and physical spectacle that run throughout the show. We can recognise ourselves in each of the classic characters and their antics. The stylised 17th century setting puts our own celebrity-obsessed culture under the microscope. This show celebrates and rejoices in its own stagecraft, the drama and silliness of its physical comedy, its music and lyrics, and shows that real life can be a performance in itself.
Writer and composer Stephen Lanigan-O'Keeffe (Travesty Theatre Company, Clear and Present Rangers) and commedia dell'arte specialist Paola Cavallin will take you on a non-stop, madcap, musical ride through the lives of the commedia artistes.
Directed by Stephen Lanigan-O'Keeffe & Paola Cavallin
Designed by David Lane
20th October to 8th November 2009
Tues-Sat @ 7.30 pm; Sun @ 4.00 pm
Tickets £12. £10 (concs)
Greenwich Station Forecourt, 189 Greenwich High Road, LONDON SE10 8JA
Box Office: 0208 858 9256; boxoffice@galleontheatre.co.uk