The show opens at Harold Pinter Theatre on 7 July, with previews from 29 June, running until 10 September 2022.
All new rehearsal images have been released for The Jamie Lloyd Company's production of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull, in a version by Anya Reiss which opens at Harold Pinter Theatre on 7 July, with previews from 29 June, running until 10 September 2022.
Joining the cast alongside the previously announced Emilia Clarke (Nina), Tom Rhys Harries (Trigorin), Daniel Monks (Konstantin), Indira Varma (Arkadina) and Sophie Wu (Masha) are Jason Barnett (Shamrayev), Robert Glenister (Sorin), Mika Onyx Johnson (Medvedenko), Gerald Kyd (Dorn) and Sara Powell (Polina), with understudies Katie Buchholz, Tina Harris, Joseph Langdon and David Lee-Jones.
Photo Credit: Marc Brenner