The cast includes Selina Chilton (Kitty), Enyonam Gbesmete (Trix), Nickolas Grace (Underling), Cameron Jack (Gangster), Bob Martin (Man in Chair), Elaine Paige (Drowsy Chaperone), John Partridge (Robert Martin), Adam Stafford (Gangster) and Summer Strallen (Janet Van De Graaff), along with ensemble Nina French, Mark Goldthorp, Paul Iveson and Sherrie Pennington, and swings Christopher Bennett, Vivienne Carlyle, Mark Dickinson and Lincoln Stone.
The Drowsy Chaperone set designs are by David Gallo, costume designs are by Gregg Barnes, lighting is by Ken Billington and Brian Monahan, with sound design by Acme Sound Partners, orchestrations by Larry Blank and dance and incidental music arrangements by Glen Kelly. The Drowsy Chaperone is produced in the West End by Kevin McCollum, Roy Miller, Boyett Ostar, Stephanie McClelland, Barbara Freitag and Jill Furman.
Performances: Monday – Saturday at 7.45pm Wednesday matinees at 3.00pm Saturday matinees at 4.00pm NB No mid-week matinee on 6 June Extra matinee Friday 8 June at 3pm. Box Office: 0870 950 0935
Photos by Dan Wooller
Anne Rogers, Summer Strallen and Elaine Paige at the launch of The Drowsy Chaperone
Roy Miller (producer) Elaine Paige (The Drowsy Chaperone) and Kevin McCollum (Producer)
The London cast of The Drowsy Chaperone