The full cast of Sydney & The Old Girl has been confirmed, as previously announced Miriam Margolyes and Mark Hadfield will be joined by Vivien Parry for Eugene O'Hare's world premiere black comedy. Directed by Phillip Breen, the production will open on 31 October, with a national press night on Tuesday 5 November at 7pm.
London is becoming an alien landscape to Sydney Stock; a man who has lived for over fifty years cooped up with his mother Nell in her grubby East End home. Theirs is a relationship of mutually assured destruction where the ghosts of the past continue to stalk and accuse. As the twisted game around family inheritance reaches breaking point, Irish care worker Marion Fee finds herself an unwitting pawn being played from both sides.
At the centre of Eugene O'Hare's second full-length black comedy is a family's obsession with versions of the past, and a paranoia about a future in a city which no longer feels like home.
Vivien Parry and Miriam Margolyes
Vivien Parry and Mark Hadfield
Vivien Parry, Miriam Margolyes, Mark Hadfield
Miriam Margolyes and Vivien Parry
Miriam Margolyes and Mark Hadfield
Miriam Margolyes and Mark Hadfield
Miriam Margolyes and Mark Hadfield
Miriam Margolyes and Mark Hadfield
Miriam Margolyes and Mark Hadfield