Barney Norris' Nightfall, directed by Laurie Sansom and starring Ophelia Lovibond (Lou), Ukweli Roach (Pete), Claire Skinner (Jenny) and Sion Daniel Young(Ryan) continues at the Bridge Theatre booking to 26 May 2018. For this world premiere Nightfall has designs by Rae Smith, lighting by Chris Davey and sound byChristopher Shutt with music composed by Gareth Williams.
On a farm outside Winchester, Ryan struggles to make a living off the land. His sister Lou has returned home after the death of their father to support Jenny, their formidable mother. Not so long ago, when a neighbour's Labrador strayed onto the farm, their dad reached for his shotgun. Now, when Lou's boyfriend Pete reappears, flush with money from his job at an oil refinery, Jenny fights to hold her children to the life she planned for them.
Tickets for Nightfall are priced from £15 to £65 with reduced prices for previews and midweek matinees. A limited number of premium seats are also available.
A special allocation of £15 seats are held for Young Bridge, a free scheme for those under 26.
Box Office: 0333 320 0051 or
Photo Credit: Manuel Harlan
Ukweli Roach, Ophelia Lovibond
Sion Daniel Young, Ophelia Lovibond, Claire Skinner
Sion Daniel Young, Ophelia Lovibond, Claire Skinner, Ukweli Roach
Sion Daniel Young, Ophelia Lovibond
Sion Daniel Young, Ophelia Lovibond, Ukweli Roach
Sion Daniel Young, Ophelia Lovibond, Claire Skinner, Ukweli Roach
Ophelia Lovibond, Claire Skinner