Based on the original Donmar Warehouse production, this new production of Red by John Logan is the first ever UK revival since Grandage originated the première at the Donmar in 2009. The production went on to win six Tony Awards including Best Play.
RED runs 4 May - 28 July with Press night: 15 May at 7pm at Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0DA. Box Office: 0844 482 5120. Personal callers Mon-Sat 10am-curtain up (No booking fee). Telephone Mon-Sat 9am-10pm, Sun 10am-8pm. Performances run Monday - Saturday at 7.30pm; Thursday and Saturday matinees at 3pm; First Saturday matinee 12 May, first Thursday matinee 17 May.
Under the watchful gaze of his young assistant, and the threatening presence of a new generation of artists, Mark Rothko takes on his greatest challenge yet: to create a definitive work for an extraordinary setting.
Red reunites John Logan and Michael Grandage following Peter and Alice with Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw which formed part of MGC's inaugural season in the West End in 2013, and their feature film Genius.
Photo Credit: Johan Persson