The show plays the Trafalgar Studio in Whitehall Theatre, as one of four plays to be produced in the new space featuring designer Soutra Gilmour. Lloyd is considering hiring an all-Scottish cast for the show, which will be set in a "distopian separatist Scotland".
On stage, McAvoy has also appeared in Donmar Warehouse's Privates on Parade, the Apollo's Three Days of Rain and more. McAvoy is in post-production on film projects Filth, Welcome To The Punch and Trance, and will next appear in X Men: Days of Future Past.
McAvoy's other film credits include The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Last King of Scotland, Atonement, Wanted, Becoming Jane, and X-Men: First Class. On television he has appeared in State of Play, Shameless, Children of Dune and Band of Brothers.
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Photo Credit: Johan Persson