CHICAGO boasts an all-star cast including Cuba Gooding Jr as Billy Flynn, Sarah Soetaert as Roxie Hart, Josefina Gabrielle as Velma Kelly, Ruthie Henshall as Mama Morton and Paul Rider as Amos Hart. The production recently made its triumphant return to the West End, check out photos from opening night below!
Photo Credit: Piers Allardyce
Cuba Gooding Jr (Billy Flynn)
Joanna Rennie (Swing)
John Barrowman
Josefina Gabrielle (Velma Kelly) & Sarah Soetaert (Roxie)
Josephina Gabrielle (Velma Kelly)
Kate Garraway
Barry Weissler (Producer) & Cuba Gooding Jr (Billy Flynn & David Ian (Producer)
Emma Harris (esemble), Natalie Bennyworth (Esemble) & Michelle Antrobus (Ensemble)
Josefina Gabrielle (Velma Kelly), Ruthie Henshall (Mama Morton), Cuba Gooding Jr (Billy Flynn) & Sarah Soetaert (Roxie Hart)
Vanessa Leigh-Hicks & Annette McLaughlin
Martin Kemp & Shirlie Holliman
Ruthie Henshall (Mama Morton)
Sarah Soetaert & Josefina Gabrielle
Sarah Soetaert (Roxie Hart)
Scott Gill (husband) & John Barrowman
Terry Gilliam & Amy Gilliam (daughter)
Terry Gilliam & Cuba Gooding Jr (Billy Flynn)
Terry Gilliam & Cuba Gooding (Billy Flynn
Terry Gilliam & Penny Smith
Cast of Chicago
Cast of Chicago
Vanessa Leigh-Hicks, Stephen Mear & Annette McLaughlin