Prior to the performance of POSH - Laura Wade's searing take on Britain's classes, old money and the ultra-privileged - yesterday on Thursday 14 June, there was a special discussion chaired by Alastair Campbell, writer and director of communications for Tony Blair's Government. He was joined by Luciana Berger, Labour MP; Dr James Tilley, lecturer at Oxford in politics and international relations; and Rachel Johnson, Editor in Chief of The Lady.
Is a privileged background a barrier to success in today's Britain, or is it a necessity? Do posh people think they are entitled to lead? Can we really trust the ruling classes to rule anymore?
Lucinda Berger - MP
Lucinda Berger and Alastair Campbell
Alastair Campbell, Rachel Johnson and James Tilley
Alastair Campbell, Rachel Johnson and James Tilley
Lucinda Berger and Alastair Campbell
Alastair Campbell and Rachel Johnson
Lucinda Berger, Alastair Campbell, Rachel Johnson and James Tilley