Frances Ruffelle, who created the role of Eponine in Les Miserables, is appearing in her one-woman show Beneath The Dress at the Menier Chocolate Factory on Sunday February 12.
"Perhaps this is an honest reveal of the true Frankie Ruff!" she says. "It is certainly more me than anything I've ever done. The songs are inspired by people I admire or situations I associate with or women who just simply love to entertain.
"It has taken almost a lifetime to accumulate the experiences to create this has been a little bud growing in my head and keeping me awake at is the time to let it grow!
"Beneath The Dress is created by me and my brother Matthew Ryan (well, we did grow up together!) so how can I not love the opportunity to perform exactly what I feel like - something that is real and natural to me and there is no style of music that doesn't touch me in some way.
"I have a low concentration level and easily get bored so I wanted to create a show that is fast-paced and keeps the audience on their toes and gives me the opportunity to take the audience on my crazy ride!
"Come with me - Beneath The Dress!"