The show will star Aimie Atkinson as 'Vivian Ward' and Danny Mac as 'Edward Lewis'.
After breaking advance box office records at the Piccadilly Theatre when it opened in February 2020, the smash hit feel-good Pretty Woman: THE MUSICAL returns to the West End this Summer in its new home the Savoy Theatre, with performances from 8 July 2021.
On behalf of all the producers, Paula Wagner said today "Our London production of Pretty Woman: The Musical had just opened when the world changed and our cherished theatres were forced to close due to the pandemic. When we opened in the West End a year ago we had broken advance box-office records at the Piccadilly and were playing to sold out houses. With so many ticket holders eager to see this show about love and resilience, we knew we would bring back Pretty Woman when the time was safe and right. With the move to our new home, the Savoy Theatre, we are able to return to share our joy with many more people. We look forward to everyone being together soon and giving our audiences the chance to come and enjoy the ultimate fun night out we all deserve right now."
Customers who had already booked to see the show will be contacted directly first about their existing booking and do not need to contact the Box Office directly themselves. General booking opens on Wednesday 24 March at 10.00am with tickets on sale for performances until 12 December 2021 and Group Bookings on sale until June 2022. Tickets are available at
The show will star Aimie Atkinson as 'Vivian Ward' and Danny Mac as 'Edward Lewis'. They are joined by are Rachael Wooding as 'Kit De Luca', Bob Harms as 'Happy Man/Mr Thompson', Neil McDermott as 'Philip Stuckey' and Mark Holden as 'James Morse'. Further casting will be announced soon.