This week saw us rehearsing on the stage for the first time so, in the words of many of the characters in this show, 'Wahey!' The set is looking incredible and we have been a little bit spoilt with the opportunity to rehearse on it prior to tech/production week...eek, we open next week!
You can never truly envisage what a set is going to look like even with a model box and mark up in the rehearsal room and I certainly wasn't prepared for this. Mark (our fab designer) and team have been incredibly busy creating something quite spectacular....incorporating a LOT of stairs! (That's all I am giving away!) Being on stage also meant that we were given our individual radio mics so, for the first time, Dai (MD) could hear what we were 'actually' singing!
Wednesday afternoon saw Alexis Gerred (Joe) and Ed Handoll (Callum) go head to head 'a la' Rocky vs Rambo as our Fight Director Jonathan Jaynes joined us to oversee their little scuffle! After all the blood, sweat and tears it was time to meet our full front of house team and give them a sneaky peek at our opening number. With everyone ever so slightly pooped after all that, there was only one thing left to do....go bowling! Once there, father and son (Sean Needham and Alexis) got competitive with a basketball hoop, Danni and Sophie ruled the dance mat and our tour MD Joey had an unlucky fail with table hockey....this is how us crazy 'Our House' kids let our hair down!
Friday ended in triumph as the chosen songs for the finale were revealed. Of course I won't tell you but I will say that it involves the now infamous 'shaky egg' (Dominique and her sibling treachery) and is utterly fabulous!
It's amazing to piece it all together with costumes, lights, sound, instruments, props, cast and crew... #Madness! In the words of our director, "It's pant wettingly exciting!" so join us next week for an update on our first few shows... Oh, and out for that ladder :) Bye!
Our House is currently playing at the New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich prior to a UK Tour.