Produced by Sam Young, Musical Marathon is an online concert performed by over twenty of theatre's leading musical directors to raise money for NHS Charities Together and Acting For Others. It will be broadcast live on the Musical Marathon YouTube page on Thursday 7th May at 19:00 BST, with an intermission at 20:00 to applaud the NHS and carers.
With performances from the musical directors of shows such as Six, Hamilton and Jagged Little Pill, there is no better way to bring the magic of theatre to your living room whilst simultaneously supporting both our colleagues in the theatre industry, and the NHS.
The concert will unite both West End and Broadway veterans such as London's Gareth Valentine (City of Angels, Guys & Dolls, The Pajama Game) and NYC's Brian Usifer (Frozen, Kinky Boots, The Book of Mormon).
Speaking about the project, Sam Young said: 'I've been overwhelmed by the response from musical directors not just locally, or even nationally, but internationally. Initially, I just wanted to raise as much money as I could but I now realise this is also a unique opportunity to shine a spotlight on the talent not usually seen on the stage. As audiences we thrill to the performers we see but often take as a given the skill of the musicians who we just expect to be flawless - after all, as musical directors, we are often doing our best work if you do not even notice we're there.'
Full details on the lineup of shows and musical directors can be found on the Musical Marathon social pages - @musicalmarathon