MokitaGrit Productions present their critically acclaimed production of "A Christmas Carol" at the Kings Head Theatre this Christmas. Revel in the joy of Christmas as a vibrant cast of multi-talented actors, musicians, children and puppets bring to life this musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' inspirational novel.
Phil Willmott's inventive adaptation places the narrative in a Victorian back street inn where Dickens conjures up a world of ghosts, magic, hardship and hope to delight his publisher. Rapidly drawing in a crowd of local punters, Dickens takes them on a whirlwind trip through the past, present and future of tight fisted Ebenezer Scrooge, including a peek into the family life of his clerk, whose son, Tiny Tim, just may be the key to unlocking the old miser's heart.TICKETS:
£20 Premium Reserved
£18 Adult
£15.50 Children and Concessions
Family Ticket (2 adults, 2 children) £58