A new Ticket lottery, aimed solely at 18-25 year olds, is launched today. Sponsored by leading life insurer Rothesay Life, the "Judy!" Ticket Lottery will enable young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 a chance to win two top price seats for each performance of "Judy!" Ray Rackham's play charting the life and career of acclaimed actress and singer Judy Garland.
Playwright Rackham, said:
"Whilst theatre remains an inspirational and pervasive art form, the rising price in tickets, and associated ticket and booking fees, has rendered going to the theatre a very expensive past-time. Young people are under-represented as theatregoers, despite a high likelihood and willingness to attend. The truth is, those younger than 25 years old only account for 5% of theatre attendees. It is vital that the young are given the appropriate pathway into the theatre, to appreciate just how thrilling the art-form can be; and similarly, just how important it is to safeguard."
For every performance of Judy!, which will run at the Arts Theatre from 16 May-17 June, two tickets will be given to young people, free of any charges, together with a complimentary programme for each ticket holder.
Rackham continues: "I am delighted that my play is being produced in the West End, after opening at the 60-seat London Theatre Workshop less than two years ago. I would not have started writing were it not for the opportunities given to me to see some great theatre when I was younger. It is a sad fact that those 'cheap' seats in 'the Gods' simply do not exist anymore. Through the generosity of Rothesay Life, we are now able to offer those opportunities to the theatre practitioners of tomorrow."
Participants should follow @JudyWestEnd and retweet the specific Rothesay 18-25 Scheme image, found at the @JudyWestEnd Twitter page by Sunday 14 May. Lottery winners for each performance in the run will be announced through Twitter on 16 May, 2017.