Bloomberg reported on Sir Howard Panter's feelings on the current state of theatre, how theatre will be built back up after the impact of coronavirus, the need for more diversity in the world of theatre and more.
Read the full story HERE.
On whether he thinks that more theater will be made available for streaming, Panter shared:
"...There used be a view that if you made a movie, or did a live broadcast production of theater, which we do a lot of, it would kill the live business. In fact, all the evidence we have is that it expands the business. One of our brands is "The Rocky Horror Show," which has been around for a long time. We did a broadcast of a live production, which was actually a charity sort of event. We showed it in x-thousand cinemas, just for one night. It made the tours that followed about 35% better in terms of revenue than previous or post "Rocky Horror Show" tours. Obviously, the version that you do on camera has to be great, and exciting and cinematically cool. But it doesn't devalue the live production."
On diversity in the theatre, Panter shared:
"It is much, much more diverse than it ever was. Now, clearly, it needs to go further. Clearly, one needs to have greater diversity within the industry in terms of things that represent the population. So, it has gone a long way, but like everything, there's room for improvement."
Check out the full story HERE.