When people think of what an understudy does, I tend to assume they're imagining us sitting in the dressing room, smashing through a Netflix series and a packet of biscuits every evening, patiently waiting to have our turn in the spotlight.
But the reality of a Mischief understudy is that you're already in the spotlight and the second cover is furiously flicking through the script. Just because you're the second cover, doesn't mean you won't go on. Oh, you will. It's just a case of when.
Anyone who's ever seen a Mischief Theatre show knows it's so physically, and vocally, demanding. Actors will inevitably tap out, even during the show, and the understudies are the first response unit. There have been occasions where my company manager has notified me that I'm going on during warm-up, at the half, even during the interval.
You know the saying "If you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready"? It's a mantra at Bank Robbery, a way of life even. Anything can be asked of you, at any moment. One particular moment I was in my female ensemble costume, fully contoured face (I do nothing less), lashes, big red lips - and the next I was wearing a moustache, slacks and a wig as though it had been taken off Amanda Bynes's head from movie She's the Man and put directly onto mine.
Nothing surprises me anymore; I expect anything and everything. Although I am afraid that, after this job, if anyone threw a party for me, I'd probably pull a party popper on the first syllable of "SURPRISE!".
I know I've painted a very mad picture so far, but this is the norm for us. When I was recently on as Caprice, I had the pleasure of acting opposite three covers of Sam and a Mitch from a previous cast.
It's absolutely crazy, but the scariest thing is...it's seamless. All the understudies work so hard to create their own version of their covers, it's honestly so exciting to act opposite all of these different takes on the same character. It changes what you do; it can even give you a different show when it happens.
To even begin to bring order in a sea of madness, it's crucial that we work well together as a team - principals, understudies and crew. Over the years, we have become a truly well-oiled ensemble machine. That takes work, trust, love, and a hell of a lot of laughs. So, if you ever have to go on for a role, The Comedy About A Bank Robbery is the best place for it to happen. You'll never be in safer, more loving hands.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery at the Criterion Theatre until 3 May 2020
Photo credit: Robert Day