An online adventure perfect for kids' parties
Halloween this year will be very different, but for those who love trick-or-treating, Captain Fantastic have created a Covid-safe virtual adventure so that no family has to miss out on the ultimate Halloween fun. Audiences can join this spooktacular adventure from the comfort of their own home. Held over Zoom, five fabulous actor-entertainers will guide families through each door to complete tasks and find silly clues!
During the pandemic, we feel children's wellbeing has been put at the bottom of the priority list. That's why we don't want children to miss out on the joyous occasion of Halloween. We know parents won't want to go knocking on doors at this time, so we thought, why not do it virtually? Better still, why don't we add some of that Captain Fantastic flair to make it a full theatrical experience?
Captain Fantastic launched online pretty quickly during the first lockdown, and our debut live had over 10,000 people watching. We then decided to run an online timetable throughout lockdown, which had a reach of 3.5 million. We were never really online as such before lockdown, but it's funny how quickly you adapt when you need to.
We will constantly strive to innovate, but cannot wait to be able to provide live entertainment for children again. If pubs, public transport and gyms are being used by strangers, we don't understand why we can't provide entertainment in Covid-secure venues, following Government guidelines, where parents socially distance and wear masks as they drop their children off. If you would like to support this cause, please sign our petition at
Captain Fantastic's Virtual Trick or Treat lasts approximately 45 minutes, and one ticket is for a whole family or household sharing a screen. The show is for children aged 4-10 years and the whole family is encouraged to dress up - the spookier the better! Aside from a piece of paper and some coloured pencils the only thing parents need to have are sweets to hand over when the actors tell you to.
If you email us directly at, we can book a whole show out for you and up to 14 other screens for £125. This is also a perfect way to celebrate an autumnal birthday with your child's friends in a fun but totally Covid-safe way.