This is my stage debut after graduating from RADA, and to be cast in A Streetcar Named Desire, with a great part, is every actor's dream. I found out I was playing Mitch two weeks before we started, and was basically just overjoyed I had a job - not to mention an amazing one.
Chelsea directs in a very explorative way, which means we try numerous versions of a scene, keeping the useful and shedding the not so useful. It's refreshing that a young director had such bold and brave ideas from the off, and the cast quickly became comfortable with the direction we were taking.
You often hear creatives use the word "collaboration" loosely, and I can say that in my short time acting collaborative wouldn't always be the word I'd use. However, on this job it certainly is a collaboration, as all offers are listened to and considered - which is a style of working I very much take to.
The company, as well as being extremely talented, are great human beings. I feel very grateful to be able to explore things freely without the dreaded fear of "Oh, am I doing this wrong?". We had the last week of rehearsals in Southampton, which was very useful in terms of settling into a new space. We met the lovely team from Nuffield's brand new theatre, who made us all welcome, and continued working through the play.Find full dates and venues for English Touring Theatre, Theatr Clwyd and Nuffield Southampton Theatres' A Streetcar Named Desire
Photo credit: The Other Richard