The story of Doris Day, a vivacious blonde with a wholesome image. Able to sing, dance, play comedy and dramatic roles, she became one of the biggest box-office stars in the world. But behind the screen, there was a story that rivalled any script Hollywood could ever dream up.
With a live band, timeless songs, good food and drink all captured within our crumbly walls, we are already getting out ourcircle skirts and gelling back the hair.
Performances will run 9th March to 4th April running Tuesdays to Saturdays at 7.30pm. Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2.30pm.
Tickets: 9th and 10th March (previews) at £16.50, all other performances £23.50 flat rate. Groups of ten or more enjoy a 10% discount.
Bookings: 020 7702 2789 or click here to purchase tickets online.
Wiltons is half way down Graces Alley (pedestrian access only), just off Ensign Street which is between Cable Street and The Highway, near Tower Bridge and St. Katherine's Dock. For public transport details in London see