Coney Presents The Droves, an immersive theatre show, designed by kids, for adults.
You're invited into a secret community of children living deep beneath a derelict carpet factory. For decades they've hidden from adults, growing strange in the darkness - but now they're asking you in...
Unsettling dilemmas, mushroom forests and at least one gorilla await you at the door.
Part immersive experience, part escape game, BAFTA award winning company Coney present the imaginations of 6-11 year olds as they take over their own site in London Bridge for this unique theatrical event.
Following Coney's acclaimed Adventure 1 and What's She Like placing the audience as co-creators in an experience, Coney turn their focus to young people and the potential of their imaginations. The audience is cast as a visitor to a new land and guided through an adventure. Occupying their own site for the first time, this show has been made entirely by the Young Company in their own site in London Bridge. Everything you see is theirs, built together through a workshop and rehearsal process outside of school.
The Droves has been created over 3 years. Coney worked with over 550 young people in their home of Tower Hamlets and beyond to bring together the most creative individuals to create The Droves Young Company. Over the past year the Young Company has worked together to create a unique immersive production where they have created every element from the story to the set design.
Coney are BATFA award winning interactive theatre makers and a registered charity - creating games, adventures and play where people can choose to take a meaningful part. Their work happens anywhere that people gather; in schools, libraries, social housing, criminal justice, the streets or online and always follows the principles of adventure, curiosity, and loveliness. Led by Director Tassos Stevens, and Executive Producer Becki Haines - Coney HQ powers projects made by bespoke teams of makers assembled from a wider network. HQ is supported by 15 associates who are leaders in their field, and a network of over 500 artists and makers feed the overall company manifesto.
Coney's current work includes Shadow of the Future a game for key stage 4 students with Imperial War Museum and 95 Years or Less, an interactive game about the harapan rainforest to explain system change, a commission by Forum for the Furture. Previous work by the company includes NTT (National Theatre, 2006), The Gold-Bug (BAC, 2008), A Small Town Anywhere (BAC, 2009), House of Cards (State Apartments at Kensington Palace, 2012) and Early Days (of a better nation) (BAC and on tour 2015). Coney is a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England.
Coney has reached over one million people since the company began, with an excellent track record of engaging with young people reaching 12,826 in the last 12 months and 163,353 in the last 3 years.
To experience some Coney
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Text IAMAGROWNUP to 07903 579284
The Droves is supported by Arts Council England, John Thaw Foundation, CoLab Factory and a generous network of individuals through Coney Club Night #1 and Coney's Friends scheme.
Company Information;
A project by Coney
Concept | Director | Writer Tom Bowtell
Company Producer Natalie Raaum
Associate Producer Lizzie Jenkins
Associate Director Toby Peach
Sound Design Dinah Mullen
Visual Design Kirsty Harris
Ear Tassos Stevens
Associate Dominic Garfield
Consultant Producer Lizzie Stables