Sunny Afternoon, the critically acclaimed new musical which tells the story of the early life of Ray Davies and the rise to stardom of The Kinks, has extended its run until 31 January 2015. The show begins previews at the Harold Pinter Theatre on 4 October 2014. BroadwayWorld brings you a sneak peek below!
Following a sold-out run at Hampstead Theatre, this world premiere production, with music and lyrics by Ray Davies, new book by Joe Penhall, original story by Ray Davies, direction by Edward Hall, design by Miriam Buether and choreography by Adam Cooper, will open on 28 October. Lighting is by Rick Fisher, sound by Matt McKenzie and the Musical Supervisor and Musical Director is Elliott Ware.
The cast of Sunny Afternoon is currently in rehearsals with director Edward Hall, Ray Davies and Joe Penhall. An official cast recording album has been produced by Ray Davies at his Konk studios, and will be released in October on Chrysalis BMG.
Featuring some of The Kinks' best-loved songs, including You Really Got Me, Waterloo Sunset and Lola, Sunny Afternoonmarks the 50th Anniversary year of the band's debut release.
The Kinks exploded onto the 60s music scene with a raw, energetic new sound that rocked a nation. But how did that happen, where exactly did they come from and what happened next?
Set against the back-drop of a Britain caught mid-swing between the conservative 50s and riotous 60s, this production explores the euphoric highs and agonising lows of one of Britain's most iconic bands and the irresistible music that influenced generations.
The principal cast members remain with the production: John Dagleish plays Ray Davies, George Maguire plays Dave Davies, Ned Derrington plays Pete Quaife and Adam Sopp plays Mick Avory - The Kinks.
The cast also includes: Carly Anderson, Philip Bird, Ashley Campbell, Ben Caplan, Lillie Flynn, Emily Goodenough,Elizabeth Hill, Vince Leigh, Amy Ross, Dominic Tighe and Tam Williams.