Translated by Maja Zade, Falk Richter's text is an unbalancing assault on capitalism, and a scrutiny of the most basic human emotion - love. After 14 years together a couple find themselves at a turning point in their lives. Their trust has been shattered and now they need to decide what route to take next.
Jude Christian's production is a political, pantomimic installation that critiques modern-day capitalism. Drawing from her diverse directorial experience, she carefully navigates between different mediums. The audience are involved during some parts, and at other times we are bombarded with a wave of emotions.
The main problems lie in the original text - it's too pessimistic and not particularly encouraging to listen to. It also feels unfinished and the experimental short stories require a tighter foundation - there's no beginning or middle, but perhaps that's the point?
Christian does embrace the chaotic structure and certain moments of her production are truly brilliant, hitting you right in the feels. However, other instances (and sadly this is the majority) seem oddly placed, and the overall dramaturgy hangs by a loose thread.
There's a deliberate messiness to its composition; decorating the stage towards the end is a sea of tat that you have to wade through. It feels annoying to do so, but I'm not too bothered by that reaction. What I don't like is the fact by this point I felt totally disengaged from everything happening.
And this is a real shame because what arrives at the end is perhaps the most beautiful moment of the entire piece. It's a yoga sequence (albeit lengthy), but still delicate and raw, and it sensitively sparks your imagination. You begin thinking about the significance of connection with the body, mind and soul - how that experience is totally individualistic.
But on the whole, Trust lacks engagement. The humour is too dry and not particularly funny. One hundred minutes seems too long, and it feels like a chore to get through. Even though some interesting points are made, you don't really realise their importance until you contemplate them on the journey home.
Trust at the Gate Theatre until 17 March
Photo courtesy of the Gate Theatre