Following the tragic death of 15-year-old Sam, four people who know attempt to navigate through their grief, as their lives continue to roll along. Trapped in memories and regret, they struggle with their loss, each of them crumbling in a different way. Ethics are questioned, past decisions are interrogated and the consequences of actions are revealed.
Sarah Rutherford's script resembles a warm and tender hug. It is nurturing in tone and comforting in its form. But despite it's well meaning, it does seem a draft away from feeling complete. The narrative doesn't appear to flow as easy as you would like, and even though it tactfully deals with a sensitive subject matter, the different turns it takes reveals quite a few plot holes.
The writing of Billie reduces them to a tad scatty, little all over the place, one-dimensional character, which is a shame for Rosie Day - an actor with clearly a lot of talent. She does her best with a potentially flawed text, and her moments with her twin brother Lenny - played by Will Fletcher - are some of the better moments in the play. The pair deliver Rutherford's script with a genuine authenticity, and their impulsive playfulness is at times lovely to watch.
Hannah Price's direction is strong, but her blocking unfortunately doesn't do any favours to audience sightlines. Actors get in front of you, remaining there for a large chunk of the action, meaning that some scenes are entirely missed. For a play that has so much movement in its scene changes, it's strange that there isn't the same approach applied to the main body of text. If you're booking tickets, it's best not to get any in the middle of the rows, on either side seating blocks, because for part of the show you won't be able to see.
The play never really reaches any sort of climax. There doesn't need to be a resolution - how can there be when someone has taken their own life? But in this play, so much gets opened up for discussion - without a proper interrogation - so you leave feeling a tad unfulfilled and underwhelmed.
The Girl Who Fell at Trafalgar Studios until 23 November
Photo: Helen Maybanks