It's hard to watch Legally Blonde The Musical without becoming at least a little infected with the fluffy American can-do-anything attitude that prevails throughout this fast, frivolous and fun show.
Fans of the 2001 film will be familiar with the sorority girl Elle Woods who, after her boyfriend breaks up with her, decides she must become more serious to win his affections and pursues him all the way to Harvard Law School.
Lucie Jones as Elle is every inch the leading lady. In lesser hands, this could be a forgettable evening but Jones elevates it to something higher. She brings charm and innocence to Elle that develops into steely determination. This is a performer that seems to have found a home in the theatre after starting life on a TV talent show. Losing a sing-off to Jedward and then making a proper career off the back of it- that's what stars are made of.
Rita Simons meanwhile as Paulette doesn't entirely make a graceful transition from screen to stage. There's no lack of effort on her part, she is warm and engaging but her accent is no more convincing than her beehive wig. As the central comic character, the show relies on her nailing the laughs, alas her diction gets in the way and some of it fails to land.
While it hasn't spawned any stand-alone numbers, the score is pleasingly catchy throughout. It mixes bubble gum American pop sensibilities with Broadway show tunes and provides the excellent ensemble with enough opportunities to show off their abilities.
This incarnation of the show however, does have a slightly cheap feel to it- the set design from John Harris, Jason Bishop and David Shields is uninspiring at best. The transitions are slow for a musical that needs to keep up the pace.
While it's possible to find fault, you can't begrudge a show too much that revels in how preposterous it is. As far as escapism goes, it doesn't get much better than a night with Elle and the Delta Nus. Ohmigod you guys.
Legally Blonde at the Bristol Hippodrome until 7 October