Following a sell-out production in 2014, Sondheim's dark comic masterpiece detailing fairytale distress arrives at the Cockpit for a limited run. Performed in the round, the audience are thrown right into the action, and observe an ensemble of 17 working together to create a modern-day adaptation, that finds it hard to get off its feet.
Throughout it's really difficult to retain attention, and you look around to see a wave of audience members looking confused and at times nodding off. There's no real oomph at all, and sadly the production falls into the realms of resembling an am-dram. Which is fine, if that's what it's meant to be. But it isn't and it leaves you feeling disappointed.
The choreography is decent enough, but struggles to be anything more than expected. The cast can definitely hold a note; however there isn't much power behind their vocals and on too many occasions the stage mics fail, making the dialogue crackly.
There are some performances that stand out amongst the crowd, one of those coming from Madeleine MacMahon, who plays Jack's Mother. MacMahon is playful in her characterisation, demonstrating a strong range of physical comedy traits. Jamie O'Donnell also impresses as the young and naïve Jack.
The Cockpit is such a brilliant venue to play in and this production hasn't fully utilised its capabilities. The set is clunky, occupying too much space and it makes the entire company's performance shrink - they're too busy dodging pieces of wood or avoiding slipping on fake leaves.
I suppose it depends what you're looking for when searching for a show to see. This one is a nice attempt at a new concept and is, I suppose, an easy watch. But if you are looking for something to inspire you, this isn't it. And if you want to feel moved, afraid, or any other emotion for that matter, then it's probably best to go somewhere else.
I should point out that the majority of other reviews for this show speak very positively. I'm not sure what I'm missing, but for me, this is truly a butchering of a well-loved classic.
Into the Woods at the Cockpit until 24 June
Photo credit: David Ovenden