Mark Evans has one of the West End's plum jobs - he's been playing Sam in Ghost for the past six months.
And now his album The Journey Home is about to be released.
Originally out last year as a bilingual Welsh and English recording, it marks ten years since he left Wales and chronicles the ways in which his life has changed since then.
"All the tracks represent a time of my life," he says.
Some of the songs originally recorded in Welsh have been translated for the new version, but Mark is very proud - and pleased - to be a Welsh speaker.
"It adds real variety to my work," he says. "I get to present my own TV show in Wales because I'm a Welsh speaker - I wouldn't get to do that in England - and it has a knock-on effect on my stage presence.
"I'm in a comfortable position, really - whenever I'm out of work in the theatre I don't have to be the typical 'nervous actor' - there's always work for me in Wales."
But for the next six months he's contracted to be in the West End, and he's enjoying working with co-star
Siobhan Dillon, with whom he says he "instantly clicked. There was instant chemistry from the get-go." He also has high praise for everyone involved in the writing of the show - "It's so true to the original feel of the film, and it makes it easy to just BE it every night."
And he even puts a positive spin on the Daily Mail's report last week that Viva Forever, the
Spice Girls musical, would be moving into the Piccadilly Theatre this autumn - forcing Ghost out of its home.
"Nothing's been confirmed," says Evans. "They might have jumped the gun slightly. Viva Forever may want the theatre but there's been no word as to when. We're contracted until February, and Ghost's producers want it to continue to run."
But he loves the show so much he simply concludes: "That story's just making me appreciate this fantastic job even more. I'll continue to make the most of every performance of an incredible show."
Mark Evans's debut English album The Journey Home is out June 18 on Sain Records.
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